The duties of the Sacristan are carried out under the general direction of the clergy. However, for each specific celebration, the Sacristan is responsible to the Master of Ceremonies. The Sacristan sets up for Mass by preparing the sacred vessels, linens, bread, wine, sacred texts for Mass. This minister keeps the Holy water fonts cleaned and filled, and coordinates with the Ushers, Greeters, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, and Altar Boys. This means they must be trained in all of the other Liturgical Ministries. They are ultimately responsible for the overall order within the Cathedral. The Sacristan ought to be treated with respect by all who minister at the altar. Ordinarily to be a Sacristan you need to be at least 18 years of age, fully initiated in the Church (i.e. Baptized, Confirmed and made your Fist Holy Communion).
When recounting his life in the fourth century, Bishop Paulinus of Nola wrote, “I call the Lord to witness that I longed to begin my holy service with the name and office of sacristan.” (Epistle 1)